Coaching tips: ⚽️ Players on the side don't allowed to play between them ⚽️ After 3 passes can change square ⚽️ Use midfield players in the middle, specific movements 📋 Offensively (8 players) ⚽️ Keep the positioning - create triangles ⚽️ Defensive transition 📋 Defensively (3 players) ⚽️ Timing when to press (inferiority) ⚽️ Offensive transition to 2 small goals 💪🏼Physically ➡️ Moderate Speed Running (15-20 km/h) ↘️ High Speed Running (20-25 km/h) ↘️ Sprinting (over 25 km/h) ↗️ Accelerations/Decelerations ⬆️ Change of Direction
Posterior chain injury prevention for soccer players: "Just think out of the box" ⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️
📍FUNCTIONAL - SS (Positional) 6v4_ Build up from Central Defenders 📋 Offensively (6 players) ⚽️ Create different passing line options for CD ⚽️ Target to progress to ST (score if not pressed) 📋 Defensively (4 players) ⚽️ Timing when to press, share spaces ⚽️ Offensive Transition to get the ball out of the box when recovered 💪🏼Physically ↗️ Moderate Speed Running (15-20 km/h) ↘️ High Speed Running (20-25 km/h) ⬇️ Sprinting (over 25 km/h) ⬆️ Accelerations/Decelerations ↗️ Change of Direction
Sprinting activity with or without ball, including different starting options (flying start, side move, reaction). The main objective is to achieve pure Max Sprinting Speed without any tactical and technical targets. The easiest way to achieve that is with 30-40m flat runs and exercises involving Max Sprinting Speed as a transition.
📍FUNCTIONAL - SS (Positional) - 6v3+J (Offensive patterns & Finishing) Coaching tips: ⚽️ Change players position in every set (possible changes CD ▶️ DM , WD ▶️ WM , CM ▶️ ST) ⚽️ Work/Rest ratio: 1:1 📋 Offensively (6 players) ⚽️ Keep the positioning - defensive transition ⚽️ Change positions - create finishing options 📋 Defensively (3 players) ⚽️ Timing when to press (inferiority) ⚽️ Offensive transition to 2 small goals 💪🏼Physically ↗️ Moderate Speed Running (15-20 km/h) ➡️ High Speed Running (20-25 km/h) ↘️ Sprinting (over 25 km/h) ↗️ Accelerations/Decelerations ⬆️ Change of Direction
📋 Offensively (5 players) ⚽️ Try to take the ball to n9 (turn & score if not pressed by the C) ⚽️ Provide different passing line options 📋 Defensively (2 players) ⚽️ Timing & Cooperation when to press ⚽️ Offensive transition to 2 small goals when recovering the ball 💪🏼Physically ↘️ Moderate Speed Running (15-20 km/h) ⬇️ High Speed Running (20-25 km/h) ⬇️ Sprinting (over 25 km/h) ⬆️ Accelerations/Decelerations ⬆️ Change of Direction
📍FUNCTIONAL - SS (Positional) 4v4+3J (hexagon) 📋 Offensively ⚽️ Keep the positioning - defensive transition ⚽️ Play between lines of pressure 📋 Defensively (2 players) ⚽️ Timing when to press - offensive transition ⚽️ Share correct the spaces 💪🏼Physically ↘️ Moderate Speed Running (15-20 km/h) ⬇️ High Speed Running (20-25 km/h) ⬇️ Sprinting (over 25 km/h) ⬆️ Accelerations/Decelerations ⬆️ Change of Direction